Nuna, my daughter, my life!

My Nuna [Daughter] and "HER" Patek Philippe 5167R - Aquanaut Jumbo Size

As Posted in PREVIOUS POST, I bought this 5167R for reason, because my daughter wanted it for so long. Even though I will not let her bring the watch back to the U.K. where she is now doing A-Level, but it is hers.

She loves it for same reason I have described, and it will last forever. And Patek Philippe's slogan can never go wrong, which is:

"You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation."

Patek Philippe 5167R 

Please NOTE: Nuna is now currently studying her first part of A-Level in the U.K., but even that she was accepted to do Medicine in Thammasat University, of which we already declined such offer. So this watch is her present for doing well in her exams all along. She still intended to excel in Medicine, and hoping to get in King's College, University of London, or University of Cambridge in coming year. Nuna is now 16 years old. [b.2000]





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