Sitemap and Site Layout
This is the most recent update for my Blog site. I finally found exactly what I need. It is Galauness by Iksandi Lojaya. The design is clean, and very simple to customised into something I want. At the moment, the exact links, and layout are not well-planned yet, and I will have to spend sometime on this Styling to get exactly what I want.
Previously (19th of January, 2009) I adopted Blogger default design in January 2009 and am so happy with it . There were many reasons for adopting it that deserve mentioning:
In short, the site should be a breath of fresh air and good readability compare to other site. I also needed to make navigation better, where other site got me lost? – and I chose to do that by making it unobtrusive, and used Blogger default as the basis because:
I have always liked Polygons and whitespace. Blogger default makes very good use of both.
I wanted a large, friendly showcase for my photos, and the large header area was just the ticket. Even though the photo album took a while to follow the main site design, It has been fun noticing how more and more Blogger default-based sites are also displaying random or themed header images.
I wanted to cut down on image elements. Aside from the Blogger default layout, there are zero extra images on the page, which also helps focus attention on the page header.
The Blogger default fonts are a bit more readable. Topblogger never needed to display source code to the extent I do, so their CSS needed more work there.
Cleaning up the layout templates triggered off a number of other internal optimisations – having a leaner display and less plugin invocations per page meant I could focus on optimising specific pieces of internal WordPress code.
Advantages, in a nutshell:
- Clearer, more readable layout
- Great photo showcase at the top
- Faster page load times
- Lower bandwidth consumption
- Distinguishing Features and Caveats
The Blogger default CSS was not thought out for good design, so customisation will still be ongoing, and I hope you all could comment about it in the near future for the site improvement for both of You and Me!