Re: Hacker

Google Managed Profile on my iPhone - it can also prevent hacker and unauthorised access

My colleague’s phone was also hacked (mine was hacked earlier in April this year) but we could trace where hacker came from. It was probably not a hacker, it was possibly someone whom my colleague knew for life or someone relating to her or him. But this hack attempt is very unpleasant and we will raise this issue to court.

Since the new Computer Crime Act was active, we will file complaint against unauthorised access from someone whom we are sure who he or she is. This is serious issue and we will not back off until we see him or her found guilty. The penalty is quite high and his/her title or status may be striped out.

Just to remind him or her, my second degree was Computer Science, and even though I have been away from computing loop for years, but my basic computing skills including UNIX, Shell programming, Computer Network and etc are still ok.

My phone (iPhone) was always managed by MDM’s policy from my office, earlier we had used or tried many platforms before ending up with Google now. [Earlier we have tried IBM’s MaaS360, Good a technology, AirWatch and Blackberry]. All of my data were uploaded to clouds, at least two separated clouds, one for work and one for my own personal. My IT Department also monitored my usage and etc, and if they found some irregularity, they would take some action.

I am not an Android guy as well as most in my company, so when first moved to Google, we were suggested to move to Android but we protested against it, and IT Department had to listen to us. Now all iOS devices are fully supported as well as Macs and etc.

I will try to give more updates soon. 

Anyway, that's it for now.

Meanwhile, I will remain...

Cheers for now...





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