Leica M3 short note NOV2013

If somebody ask me, which camera in my humble opinion is the best, I would say Leica M3. There is nothing like it, and will never be. I still enjoy taking photos with it even though Film era fade away quickly, and made it more difficult to enjoy it, at least in Asia. (Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore for film development)

But still, it is very unique, and I have a lot of passion for it. Even better than my other M9-P or Monochrome. It works well in most of conditions, depending on Film used. I carry 2 of it, one is Double strokes owned since day-1 (1st hand), inherited from my grandfather. And this one portrait in this blog, I bought it from Singapore 2 years ago. It is Single Strokes, and one of the best example I have ever seen. (Almost new)

My Favourite film is Ilford FP4 Plus. It is however, almost difficult to fetch in Asia these days. I had to do mail order back in the UK to get hold of it. And for development of photos, it will take me sometimes before I send away many rolls at once (up until now, I have not developed anything in the past 2 years).




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